Interior and exterior can be merged in a heartbeat. This is exactly what Studio Oecus thought when they imagined a setting where an indoor garden becomes the natural extension of the customisation of this ART-U Canvas Total Graphic Skin.
Oecus Design
The interpretation by Walter Pegolo and Oecus involves the creation of a panel with a tangible, natural appearance, with a wood-effect graphic texture, designed for clean, bright environments.
The chosen setting is a design studio in a large urban building, where colours and materials provide a pleasant “contact” with nature.
To make the project even more unique and seamlessly integrate it into its surroundings, ART-U Canvas was placed next to an indoor garden to provide the best air conditioning for greater concentration and inspiration.
– Oecus Design

The colour palette of dove greys and variations of grey conveys a feeling of warmth that perfectly matches the personalisation of this Art-U Canvas Total Graphic Skin.

The natural light from the splay creates a bridge between the inner garden and the natural wood of this customisation.